Courses FAQ

What if I have a question about a particular course?

Bill has specific pages set up for some of his courses. Please see the page for your course here:

Can you send me exercise files for your courses on

Exercise files are available for members on and Linkedin Learning. I do not have authority to deliver them to you directly.

If you have a membership that includes access to exercise files you will find a tab on the course page labeled “Exercise Files.” Please click on that tab and download your exercise files from there.

If your membership does not include access to the Exercise files (or of you don’t yet have a membership) you may subscribe or upgrade to a membership level that includes exercise files.

If you have other membership questions please contact or Linkedin Learning for assistance.

I have a question not covered in this FAQ

If your question is one of those rare and valuable gems that has not been answered here, fret not! Help is on the way!

I strive to provide the best courses I can and I want to help you succeed in your learning adventure. I will do everything I can to help you, with the information and resources I have available.

The best way to ask for help is through the or Linkedin Learning help system. Their help system is designed to handle your support request quickly and efficiently. If necessary, they will contact me and I will provide support through their system.

Please do not contact me directly for help with a or Linkedin Learning course.

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